Dermal Fillers:

Dermal fillers provide long-lasting correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Fillers are composed of hyaluronic acids which are natural sugars present in our body. The acids bind to water in the skin and cause plumping and fullness. Our skin naturally loses volume as we age and becomes thinner, making fine lines and wrinkles more visible. Dermal Fillers help to replace lost volume leaving the areas under the skin looking younger and rejuvenated.

Some Application of Dermal Fillers:

  • Cheek enhancement

  • Nasolabial folds (from the nose to the corners of the mouth)

  • Lip enhancement

  • Marionette lines (running from the corners of the mouth downward)

  • Lip Lines (sometimes caused by smoking).

  • Smile lines (framing each side of the mouth)



Either topical numbing or nerves blocks are used to minimize discomfort (depending upon the areas needing the filler). Small amounts of Dermal fillers are then injected into the treatment areas.


Results are immediate. There is some swelling which resovles in 48-72 hours hours. Most people need only one treatment to achieve an optimal outcome. The duration of effects varies from six months to a year depending upon the product used and the person’s metabolism. Some research shows that repeated injections may help stimulate the body’s own natural production of collagen. 


Treatment involves minimal downtime. Most people return to their normal routine immediately.

Side Effects

Possible side effects are usually mild to moderate. These may include skin reactions such as redness, tenderness and bruising. Serious risks do exist in rare cases. As such it is important you should only ever have fillers injected by a board-certified physician who has had ongoing, specialized training in facial anatomy to ensure optimal results.


  • We do not recommend scheduling your Dermal Filler within two weeks of a COVID vaccine.

  • Dental work should NOT be scheduled within 2 weeks of your Filler appointment.

  • Allergies to Lidocaine

  • Allergies / Hypersensitivity to Dermal Fillers

  • Active Infections

  • To decrease the risk of bruising, avoid any blood-thinning medications such as Aspirin, Motrin, and Ibuprofen in the week before your treatment.

  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to your treatment as well.


We do not recommend the procedure if you have a significant social event within two weeks of the procedure. The effects of these procedures take time to stabilize.