Erbium: YAG laser skin resurfacing is an effective technique for minimally invasive and effective management of many cutaneous conditions and lesions. Erbium laser resurfacing stimulates collagen reorganization and fibroblast activation in photoaged skin. Ablative resurfacing, as on the Spectrum laser, will yield more significant results in a shorter period of time. Its main indications include treatment of photoaging, rhytids, wrinkles, and solitary benign and malignant cutaneous lesions.  

Unlike a C02 laser, an Erbium laser is a gentler approach to the skin, hence why it is named the “micro laser peel.” The Erbium laser is usually more of a superficial treatment than a C02 laser and will help treat fine lines, some hyperpigmentation, and mild scarring.

Areas we can treat:

Skin Tightening

Wrinkle Reduction

Acne Scar Improvement

Skin Tone & Texture Improvement

Pore Reduction

Scar Reduction

Stretch Mark Reduction

Double Chin Reduction

Jowl Lifting

Eye Brow Lifting

Neck Lifting

Hand Rejuvenation



Topical numbing cream is typically used to help mitigate any discomfort. Mild erythema (redness) can last a few hours up to a few days depending on the severity of the treatment. Mild sunburn sensation that may include some mild discomfort may persist for up to 24-48 hours. Patients may use ice to sooth areas of discomfort. A few days after mild peeling of the skin will begin, do not pick.

How does it feel?

The Erbium laser provides a safer, more accurate and less painful method of restoring a softer, smoother, more youthful-appearing skin. Patients can have their procedure performed in the doctor’s office and be home that same day

When will I see results?

The top layer of skin will re-grow and can be covered with makeup within about one week, at which time you will see noticeable improvements in your skin’s texture, tone, and wrinkle appearance. Deeper laser treatments also stimulate the growth of new collagen over the next four to six months.


Recovery times will vary depending on your treatment. Skin should start sloughing off 2-3 days after the treatment, a rosy “glow” can remain for several weeks. Make-up may be applied to minimize redness. Generally, 2-3 days off should be sufficient, 3-5 days for more aggressive treatments

Are there any side effects?

Mild complications of Erbium:YAG laser resurfacing include milia, acne exacerbation, contact dermatitis, or perioral dermatitis. Moderate complications include prolonged erythema, transient posttreatment hyperpigmentation, and delayed hypopigmentation.


Pregnancy and Nursing

Active skin conditions in the treatment area such as eczema, rash, or psoriasis.

Pre-malignant moles in the area being treated.

Active Cancer (must be cancer free for at least 2 years)

Endocrine disorders such as but not limited to Diabetes, history of any Hypertrophic Scarring or Keloid formations or other Skin Diseases, Connective Tissues conditions

On Immunosuppression Medication

On Accutane within Past 12 Months

There are number of precautions prior to commencing with Erbium Yag. Please discuss with Physician.

Surgical procedures in the treatment area including facial laser resurfacing or deep chemical peel. Wait until well-healed.

Botox or Natural fillers, must wait one month.

History of herpes simples I mouth, face, lips. Patient may be to be started on prophylaxis to prevent outbreaks.

Allergies to topical anesthetics, antibiotics, or other medications.

Treatments cannot be performed on areas with a suntan or sunburn.

Avoid direct exposure to the sun, tanning beds 4 weeks prior to treatment.


We do not recommend the procedure if you have a significant social event within two weeks of the procedure. The effects of these procedures take time to stabilize.